Mental Health Advisory Committee Flier

The Mental Health Advisory Committee (MHAC) is a community-based committee whose goal is to: 

Present the MHAC recommendation to the Board of Directors of needed updates to the district’s mental health awareness, education, and resources. 

To achieve the goal, the following activities need to be completed: 

• Review the current ongoing education for mental health in the district facilities. 

• Evaluate the need for changes to policies for adequate mental health support. 

• Review district demographic and student growth projections. 

• Review current resource lists. 

• Study current and future instructional and educational models as well as support any student extracurricular activities. 

• Prioritize students’ needs. 

• Update the Board of Directors on a regular basis as determined by the Board of Directors. 

 General commitment/member requirements: 

• A member of the MHAC commits to attend regular meetings, 

• A MHAC member commits to a minimum of one-year of participation. 

• A MHAC member commits to complete the scope and charge of the MHAC as defined by the Board of Directors. 


• You may nominate yourself or another individual. If you nominate another, speak to the person before submitting the application. • Please complete the application form for the person you are nominating on their behalf. • The Committee will contact all nominees and confirm their interest prior to consideration by the Committee. • Applications can be submitted until Monday, February 20, 2023. • Forms may be filled out online or printed and mailed to the Sultan School District, Attention Dan Chaplik, Superintendent, 514 4th Street, Sultan, WA 98294

MHAC Online Application 

• All nominees will be notified following the Board’s determination and selection. • If you would like further information or have questions, please contact:

  • Gigi Gouldner, Committee Co-Chair, School Board Member, District #5

  • Heidi Dawson, Committee Co-Chair,


MHAC Online Application